Geoje 10th International Art Festival – 2024

The Israeli national team will participate for the second year in the annual international art festival in South Korea. The theme of this year’s festival is ‘coexistence through art’.
The festival will start in November 2024 and will last for about two months. It will be judged by twenty-one judges from countries around the world among them; Israel, Iran, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, France, Japan, Argentina, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, Spain, Italy, Bangladesh, Croatia, Germany, USA, Portugal, South Africa and Colombia.
The chairman of the jury for 2024 is Ms. Heidi Fosli from Norway. The jury is composed of artists, art historians, museum directors, photographers and sculptors.
The judge chosen to represent Israel again this year is Mrs. Adi Lasri, founder of the ‘World Virtual Museum’.
The chairman of the judges

The international judging panel

simo paul

Oil colores painted on Canva
Name: “Women for peace in the world”
T measurements: 1.00/0.80 cm.
The painting touches on the theme of coexistence: the dancers dance in
coexistence around the world. The women want peace and love in the
rachel klein elazari

Digital and AI processing, printed on Canvas.
100*100 cm.
In the intricate dance of colors and forms, art becomes the universal language where diverse voices harmonize in coexistence. The journey of creation transcends mere destinations, weaving a tapestry of understanding and empathy. As artists our quest for understanding is a never-ending exploration of the human experience. Each stroke, each hue, speaks volumes of our shared humanity, inviting us to embrace the beauty of our differences

orly ben shlomo

” Tearing”
I live in the Middle East, an explosive region where the concept of coexistence is a dream, and if there is coexistence, it is cold.It was very difficult for me to think about coexistence, especially after the events of October 7, 2023, when the border fence was breached and a terrible massacre of innocent citizens was carried out, where I realized that coexistence as a utopian concept is beautiful, but it does not really exist in our reality.I could deal with coexistence, in its raw, utopian form, but I chose to touch on a charged and painful subject, the reality in which we live in the world in general and the Middle East in particular. ” Tearing” Mix media – on canvas 60/80
Year of creation 2024
The work is made of used tea bags, natural colors: turmeric, red paprika, a face mask made of Dead Sea mud, blue acrylic paint builders thread which is made of cotton ,Materials decompose in nature, as part of a statement about the coexistence between me as a humanitarian who deals with recycling and the world around me.
arie lamdan

Name: Arie Lamdan
Title of painting: “Three Friends”
Size: 71X53 cm.
Technique: watercolor
Year of work: 2021
Three different people that I know, each from a very different
background, are constantly arguing with each other. Yet they remain
friends and are able to enjoy getting together to share a meal.

natali tamir

Size: cm 70 x 100
Print Paper Photographic
Jerusalem ,David of Tower
This contemplative work outlines the contrasts between ancient and modern, sacred and secular, within Jerusalem’s historic vista. Captured from the Tower of David at dusk, it delves into coexistence—how opposing elements within a space grapple with presence and absence. The photograph invites the viewer into a transitory moment, framing a dialogue of contrasts that converge into a vision of hope and unity. The image reflects not just the temporal layers coexisting within the city but also symbolizes the greater potential for harmony within diversity. And though there is a wall, it is possible to find within its confines a small yet expansive viewpoint, a slit through which light and hope shine, illustrating the vast possibilities within even the narrowest of gaps.
yaela chodziesen

“Coexistence between Jews and Arabs”
Drawing year 2024
Acrylic paint on canvas
50X70 size
In the heart of a world torn by ancient enmity, the paths of Arabs and Jews cross.
This encounter obliges them to embark on a journey that crosses peoples with opposing
opinions and ideologies.
In moments of conflict and cooperation, they will begin to see the humanity in each other,
recognizing that their differences are not as insurmountable as they once
Their journey will take them across seas and continents, when due to reality, something in their
encounter will spark a connection, a spark of understanding that will cross borders and ignite a
spark of hope in the hearts of everyone who yearns for a world freed from
the shackles of ancient hatred.
Although their dream of peace seems distant and unrealistic to many, they will remain firm in
their opinion that change is possible.
For they know that the real change will come not from the leaders at the top, but from the
ordinary people at the grassroots level, whose collective voices will have
the power
to shape the course of history
In the end, peace will not be achieved through grand gestures or blanket statements,
but through small acts of kindness and understanding that will be exchanged between people
from different worlds.
And when the flames of conflict begin to flicker and fade, a new era will begin – one that will
be defined not by the divisions that once tore them apart, but by the bonds
of unity and cooperation that will now bind them together
May this dream spread its wings to the whole world. He will cross seas and continents and
miraculously everything will start from a small spark between two people
from different worlds and bring them to harmony and understanding.
Yaela Chodziesen
hedva & roni reuven

“Summer Seeds …”
Hedva and Roni Reuven
Both artists deal with the existential space and coexistence in
nature, absorbed from the cultural and social world and are in
contact with the consequences of the climatic phenomena, among
others the influence of bees in our lives.
Hedva creates from material a lamented carpet with stems of
“pollen columns” and buds from torn strips of coloured paper that
emerge just before they bloom, waiting and longing for the
development of new life.
Roni in his painting, creates an intriguing and fascinating world, the
world of the bees, while they feed on the flower’s nectar, they feed
their larvae with pollen and in the process spread the pollen and
contribute to the reproduction process.
Reducing the living areas of the bees nowadays, will break the
balance and the strive for the coexistence and will result in a world
where fertilization will be just a memory.
“Sammer Seeds”, 2021, mixed on canvas, ceramic, iron wire, paper, 174/70/40
rachel tucker shynes

Acrylic painting on canvas
The year 2018
The painting “Merge” depicts the
Coexistence between the sexes symbolizing contrasts
and connections, much like the diverse opinions and views
found in nature. Through the fusion of colors, akin to the concept
of yin & yang, the painting portrays connections of coexistence,
unity, harmony, and continuity within the world when disparate
elements are combined.
amir gilad

“Underwater Coexistanc” is combined of two photo frames
I took myself with a Sony Nex-5n Mirorless camera +Meike underwater housing.
Both frames were taking while I was Snorkling and taking pictures
in “the Caves underwater nature reserve ” in the city of Eilat ,Israel’ at 21.03.2024.
I combined them together to create something more meaningfull and a better compostion,
In the name of balancing and coexisting betaween mankind and undrewater reef life,
which is very complicated and delicate especially in our times of global heating.
amir leshem

“The beach is for everyone”
Tel-Aviv beach, August 12th
Eid Al Adha celebrations of 2019 were held in August. On the holiday many Muslims visit the beach
to enjoy the excellent weather with other Israelis and tourists enjoying their summer vacation. Each
person can enjoy the beach wearing their own clothes, and they all peacefully share the excellent
beach and sun. The diversity of clothing, and beliefs as well as the harmony of a lovely day at the sea
symbolizes the coexistence of the many religions in the state of Israel.
nirit gilad ovadia

The title of the painting “Together we will win”
Size: 50×70 cm
Technique: Oil on canvas
Year: 2021
This painting is devoted with great love to my daughter Stav whose dedication has been an inspiration to me.
Few years ago, her beloved boyfriend Matan was
injured in a motorcycle accident. Stav did not abandon him for a single moment and spent days and nights in the hospital, sleeping on chairs and being there to comfort, help and take care of him. Stav´s hug was with him all along the way…
The crutches that symbolize limitation and disability become in my painting an integral part of the embrace that symbolizes boundless love.
During the painting process, I decided to expand the idea. I turned it into a large project in which 30 artists created artworks inspired by the stories of car accident victims or their families. I welcome the privilege to engage people who have so much pain in their world with artists who aim to translate this pain into artworks.
The highlight was a special exhibition where all the artworks were displayed together. There was a feeling as if an imaginary curtain had been lifted and the powerful connection between all the personal stories and the artworks inspired by them was revealed. All together were connected to one big story that represents pure coexistence, an inspiration by itself.
Coexistence with people presenting various kinds of disabilities, whether physical or mental, is of great significance. I believe that it produces a more complete
human fabric, interwoven with values, morality, solidarity and mutual guarantee.
The project I initiated which started from one single painting, taught me that each of us should strive to expand the circle of coexistence – as if one candle that succeeds in lighting many candles, spreads the light and make it bigger –
“Together we will win” !!!!
sabrina de-rita

Inner peace
Measurements 100X 70
Collage, photography, 2024
Each of us has hold with in our self-two sides. The light and the dark side.
Some say if a person can connect to the inner light side they can dim the dark side, so they can live
better with themselves and the environment, family society and with nature.
Ans so live in peace with in themselves.
michelle michaela zeitouni

The Feminine Charm
I drew two different groups of women, two skin tones who wear the
same authentic clothing who live side by side in harmony,
Friendship and Peace.
Living together is a relationship that must exist in our world.
I wanted to saw in my painting that It doesn’t matter what you are,
from where you are, Race, Nationality.
Coexistence for me is respect ,friendship ,love, equality and peace.
Acrylic Painting with Medium
Cloth Painted with special Tool and Brush.
Necklace bead made of Polymer Fimo
monika papescu

“Weweweeeeeee” is the title of my work created especially for the “10th Geoje International Art Festival 2024 –
Language of Coexistence, Art”.
Painted with acrylic paint and Nankin ink on paper (size 50cm x 70cm), the child has all the ethnic colors on her skin, all
the children in her. On its head the Peace Lily flower symbolizes the purity and innocent existence of children around the
world. Children coexist peacefully among the plants that are born from the child’s ideas and feelings.
Weweweeeeee is the junction of the pronoun “we” and the suit sound of children playing weeeeee!
tatyana berestov

sharon shachar

The Story Behind the Image:
Name of the picture : "Power of the human spirit" 60×90,
The picture was taken at the”Beit Halochem”; Haifa arena last June. Israel
A pivotal moment during the wheelchair basketball State Cup final game.
The two teams that reached the final are mixed teams, with Jewish and Arab
disabled players, as well as women and men playing on the same team.
Paralympic basketball expresses coexistence in the most significant way. It
allows amputees and paraplegics to move around the court without legs.
The players achieve impressive results thanks to teamwork based on fast
wheelchair movement and upper body work.
It is a very fast, very strong game and it is fascinating to see the fighting spirit
of the players and the explosive power created by their cooperation.
The image is a powerful and moving representation of the spirit of Paralympic
basketball and the message of hope and inclusion.
rami neudorfer

Digital Art – Striving for Co-existence, created by Rami Neudorfer
The last few months in our part of the world have been characterized by a terrible war and lots of suffering for Israelis, Palestinians, And Lebanese. Hundreds of thousands have had to leave their home and became refugees in their own lands. This situation has increased hatred everywhere and endangered the fragile coexistence between Jews and non Jews. Still there
are many groups who fight for the future and envision the future life of peace and coexistence
between all people in Palestine/Israel. This is what I have tried to depict in the attached work of art, called “Striving for Co-existence”
It is a Surrealistic and symbolistic picture of a young Israeli girl wearing jeans and a t-shirt holding hands with a young Arab boy in traditional garb, symbolizing friendship and mutual trust. They are depicted standing on a checkerboard floor that stretches into infinity, holding
hands, with their shadows forming an intricate pattern of intertwined cultural symbols.
Around them, elements such as an olive tree and a floating orange tree bearing fruits of the region suggest the timelessness and universality of their connection.
The background transitions from a desert oasis on one side to a lush, green landscape on the other, blending elements of their distinct environments into a unified whole. The girl is
standing on the “Arab” side of the picture, while the boy is shown on the “Jewish” side.
I chose a young boy and a young girl to symbolize this desire for peace and coexistence since
I believe that a better future can grow out of young people who are open for cultural and
existential changes.
Medium – printed
Size: 75X50 cm.
shula ross

uri freundlich

“A joint meal – cattel egret and cows in the pasture”
Dimensions 75 X 55 cm
11/2020 Photographed –
Printed on Epson photo paper
Coexistence in a symbiotic relationship and as in any such
relationship there is mutual benefit. The cattle egret that feeds on
small animals, mainly insects and small reptiles, joins the herds of
cattle because they expose these animals to the eyes of the egret,
which saves energy in searching for food and increases the hunter's
efficiency. The cattle egret also enjoys standing on the cows&backs
and pecking ticks and insects from their skin.
rachel frank

Integrated existence
Panting – Acrylic on canvas 50×70
The overall shape of the painting deals with two bodies touching each other, connected to each other and creating a shared space. The two parts exist side by side, integrate and merge and try to reach an ideal connection.
The abstract painting can represent an organic form that exists harmoniously,
in which there is a contrast in texture and colors between interior and exterior.
It can also resemble a handshake and gives a feeling of connection or
integration. Raises questions of relationships, partnership, and the essence of the existence of the two parts within the work.
The rounded lines help create a sense of flow and low resistance.
The painting invites the viewer to enter it and explore the inner space it
creates, the tension between the outer and the inner, and the points of contact between two parts that make up the whole.
The turquoise color of the interior space, gives the statue a sense of
cleanliness and calmness. The outer roughness, the part seen first reminds us of the difficulties in maintaining coexistence and reaching it.
The combination between the two elements actually creates two spaces. The
rough outer space and the hidden, smooth and calm inner space.
The artwork also expresses the inner and outer coexistence of humans, which combines feelings and experiences, while at the same time dealing with the hardships and burdens of the life. Sharpens our understanding of the complex coexistence of humans and the world around us.
The duality that exists in our lives, exists in the painting in the sense that the two parts are opposites, but together complete the full form. This duality exists within the geometric form, between the smooth texture and the rough texture, as well as between natural and artificial, between the tangible and the spiritual.
In conclusion, the two parts forming one body symbolize harmony, union and balance, dynamic processes that continue, develop and change in
The artwork conveys a message of peace, hope and unity.
Art allows us to express these ideas through it.
nava shem tov

Year of birth: 1948
Year of painting: 2024
Size: 50/70
Coexistence. The concept of coexistence, literally, years in a common "walk". There may be two identical factors, but the concept emerges as a concept that captures a lack of identity or a certain completeness.
If we look at nature, we can see the cycles of existence, from the dryness the flower emerges Schnobel, drying and God forbid.
In the nature of the meeting between the flowing and the still, the growing and the still, where we look, we will get the existential completion, when each side maintains its characteristics and habits and lives together.
I chose to complete the idea by going outside the framework, despite this I was strengthened by the common existence.
hava yahav

“Good Neighbors”
Oil on canvas
Size 60×60
In the painting there is an expression of good neighborliness between Arabs
and Jews who live together in the same building in Jaffa-Tel Aviv. The
neighbors live in coexistence and live a shared community life. All together
and each separately and they are a good example of the coexistence that
exists in Israel.
yehuda shahal

“Coexistence between man and nature”
The year of painting 2020
oil colors
80×80 cm
I took the concept of “coexistence” in an abstract form and preferred coexistence with nature as a whole and the various animals that live around us. With a little desire and initiative, it is possible to communicate with any animal in the hope that we will reach a day when we can communicate in their language and understand that we are not the rulers of the universe, but a part of it.
eliya lasri

hana barak engel

This planet we live on called Earth is adjusted to us and we are adjusted to it perfectly. The air is rich, the water clear and quenching and the land is abundantly fruitful. The advanced farming methods we have developed can supply the entire humanity with food should we learn to share it.
The seasons, that keep changing, allow different crops to grow and our nutrition is diverse and satisfying.
With the development of humanity we learned to transport things between continents and we are able to support parts of humanity that cannot feed themselves. The human interaction that has developed over the years allows us to share knowledge obtained by a group of people with the rest
of the world.
With the development of humanity we have understood that we all originate from one race and the color of our skin is just physical data that changes with the climate. This simple understanding changed the interracial understanding towards people of different race and has reduced prejudice and racism. We are at a point where we can choose to live in a fruitful coexistence with all of humanity as well as all living creatures upon this beautiful planet.
The work size is: 83/107/10 cm. It made of mixed media and it is consist of an ancient frame, ( to symbolize the continuing human existence ) a metal skeleton, fillres, das, acrylic paints and coating varnish.
lea dolinsky

Dialogue 2024
Net collage and acrylic on canvas 60/80cm – stretched
Net on the canvas
aviva even zohar

Taken in Kenya 2005
Size: 50*70
Name : Echoes of Togetherness
Technique : Photography
In Kenya, the Maasai tribe encounters advanced technology, crafting a meaningful tableau of coexistence that blends modernity with tradition.
yaffa shabat

“Art as a means of dialogue and coexistence. Opposing interests form a significant barrier between people, striving for diverse and complex solutions, rooted in the aspiration and desire for better lives. In my work, I attempt to illustrate, through the language of art, the
barrier or wall to dual existence. Only when people from both sides endeavor to dismantle this barrier can it be possible to change and improve the quality of our lives. Freedom, love, culture, art, equality, education, livelihood, and justice. Art is the leading means to initiate
dialogue. It is a political-social act and also proof that despite all opposition, we are here, continuing to strive for freedom and coexistence. Contemporary art can be a landscape of
such hope”.
Dimensions: 30/26 Centimeters
Made by clay in 2024
anat ben ezra

Each person in his own silence and in his own color will bring with him his
joy with love and together we will form one winning dance in a more
beautiful and colorful world.
The size of the painting is 50 x 70 cm Year of manufacture: 2024 Technique: acrylic paints
The film is a realistic film that educates for compassion, love for nature,
preserving it and coexistence in the environment in which we live with animals in general.
The film I produced includes authentic photographs from the life of hedgehogs in the wild.
The plot develops with a combination of puppet theater puppets, and creates tension, curiosity, and identification with the hedgehogs from the moment they hatch, the search for food and the fear of the dangers lurking for them.
The film teaches and emphasizes the dangers lurking for hedgehogs that are becoming extinct even on the road. He teaches about the need for compassion, the need to protect them and live in
coexistence with animals in nature in general.