li xiao zheng

Life Events
Li Xiaozheng, Australian Chinese, professional freelance painter.
Li Xiaozheng is an outstanding artist best known as the ” Life Prose Artist “. His work is delightful, and filled with the joy that the rhythm of life brings. He has once claimed to have said: “Painting is my life! Painting is an incredibly irrevocable presence in both my life and soul !” The core of Li Xiaozheng’s painting is “True to life”, which draw and mirror the essence of the famous Zhu Ziqing’s prose — Live in, Lightly to, Friendly with, and Freshness. With a true and honest approach, his directness with the paintbrush and his artistic conception, Li Xiaozheng reveals the scene of ” common moments “, ” common matter “, “common people” and ” common objects ” , the reality in which we all live. Throughout his life Li Xiaozheng always pursued the philosophy of ” True to Life”, and frequently, he offers his soul to those who understand and appreciate his work. Naturally, his painting can mostly be described as inspirational, and touching with an ease of connectedness.
Many admirer and collector say: “Li Xiaozheng’s art best matches the Chinese saying– “Within the small we see great ” , which showcases his professional artistic skills.” His paintings are often focused on those insignificant subjects of normal life, whilst full of freshness, elegance and nobility, which derives from the artistic spirit of Li Xiaozheng, from his charisma and his ability to uplift the common “reality ” to the canvas. The greatest value of art is to discover the beauty of life — Li Xiaozheng’s greatest pleasure in the art of painting simply resides in this.
oil painting HAVE A REST 60×80cm
oil painting JOY IN LIVING-BREAKFAST PARTY 80×93cm
oil painting WEIZI 100x80 CM
oil painting DRAGON BLOOD TREE 100×85cm
oil painting assembly 80X120 cm
oil painting SET SAIL 60×80cm
oil painting WAITING 60×70cm
oil painting IMPRESSION PUDONG 80×100cm
oil painting SYDNEY PASTORAL POETRY 60×80cm
oil painting Before the high tide-Huian fishing boat_80×80cm
Li Xiaozheng oil painting Highlight(Painter self-portrait) 200×150cm
Purple elm narrow table and Begonia flowers 100×80cm

oil painting Window Woman 150×200cm

oil painting Ebb and Flow 60×90cm

oil painting Xiaofang 100×80cm
oil painting Smiling 163×150cm

oil painting Fragrance 100×80cm

oil paiting Light 90×120cm

oil painting Yingz 80×80cm
oil paiting Wheels 77×125cm

oil painting Winter to Spring (Narcissus) 125×77cm

oil paiting Renew 200×150cm

oil painting Quiet Bay 60×80cm

oil painting St Mary's Cathedral 80×60cm

oil paiting Green Feeling 150×200cm