Rainer Schoch

Life Events
– Born in Öhningen in 1957
– has lived and worked in Kaltenbach (Thurgau), Switzerland for many years
– his drawing and painting talent was already evident in primary school,
he has been painting since he was 7 years old
– Since 1974 Rainer Schoch has been represented at numerous exhibitions and trade fairs
– In 1975 he learned painting
– First expressionistic, then often photo-realistic painting,
exclusively with oil on canvas
– 1980s independence with a company for artistic interior design
– designed, among other things, the first disabled sports calendar for the Paralympics
2002 in Salt Lake City, as well as a series of classic cars and Formula 1 pictures
– 1978 – 1982 stay in Saudi Arabia, where he lived the villa of the former king
Faisal painted with copies of works of European high art
– By imitating famous motifs, he came across Renaissance artists
– In his Renaissance cycle, he adopts famous portraits such as the
Raphael and alienates her through time-critical symbolism
– His works as part of international art competitions
To be considered “artistically valuable” are largely in the
Privately owned by European art collectors
– There has been an increase in museum purchases in the past three years
Assessment by Lena Naumann / editor-in-chief of the art magazine Mundus 2014/15
“Rainer Schoch has the ability to be so photo-realistic to paint his oil painting only close up a look is different from a photo. ”
Liveline 100x100 cm,

Havanna Man 160x160 cm,oil on canvas
The binoculars 075 x 095 cm

LE54 thoughts on life 100x70

LE65 The philosopher 90x60

Old 110x110 cm

inner Light 80x60cm

LE 37 strawberry mouth 100x80

KI 17 Ben 100x100

Control 110x100 cm

RE 8, birth of Venus, 240x210

LE 31 freshly painted 160x160