Tamar Daraselia



Life Events

Date &Place of Birth: 02.05.1960, Tbilisi, Georgia


1977-1983  – Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Medium:  drawing, painting

Since 2006 – a member of Artists’ Union of Georgia

2010 -2011 – a member of MOYAWORLD (Museum of Young Art), Vienna, Austria

Since 2017 –a member of Artists in the World Events, Rome, Italy  (www.artintheworld.net)

Solo exhibition:
2010 –  Exhibition Hall of Artists’ Union of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Group Exhibitions: since 2000 up to the present day I have participated in numerous group exhibitions organized by Artists’ Union of Georgia.

International Exhibitions:

2018, 27.10-11.11Artexpo  Autumn, International Art Exhibition, Domus Romana Art Gallery, Rome, Italy, organized by Artists in the World Events ( See www.artintheworld.net)

2018, 05.03.-16.03 – Armory Artweeks, New York 1.0 organized by ARTBOX.PROJECT(See www.artboxtalent.com)

2017, 07.10 -20.10 – Future World Art Festival, International Art Exhibition, Domus Romana Art Gallery, Rome, Italy, organized by Artists in the World Events ( See www.artintheworld.net)

E-mail:  tamar.daraselia@gmail.com

Tel.: +995 032 232 79 99

Mob.: 599 71 49 07


Painting is my calling: it is a means to make the reality more attractive by creating beautiful and aesthetically acceptable for me world. At the same time painting is a great way to relax and enjoy oneself.
I always try to make a new piece of work different from the previous one: recurrent images and motifs seem so boring! Before starting panting a new picture I think about the appropriate style, colours and technique that might help me to express my impressions and emotions.
For me the work on a painting is not complete until the goal I have set is not fully realized.
The process of painting is a play with colours, shapes, shades… and, in general, it is a great pleasure.